5MLP Testimonials

This is what teachers are saying…

Oh my word!! LOVE IT – just completed a lesson plan in 5 minutes! If this were a dinosaur it would be an AWESOMEASAURUS.

Michelle Heelis

Planning another lesson using the #5MinPlan. It’s so quick and easy I still can’t get over it!

Ella Paisley

LOVING the new digital #5minplan, so easy to use and does take 5 mins.


It’s great to see digital #5MinPlan allows me to modify sections to meet standards set on the #PGCE

Alex Norbury

Nice one, really good step forward for the 5min lesson plan. If you’re a teacher and you don’t use this you should look at it.

Matthew McDonald

Love the electronic #5MinPlan especially as I can add my own sections like plenary and resources

Miss Carvel

Just tried [The 5 Minute Lesson Plan] myself. Great stuff, really quick. Will be taking this to work tomorrow and telling people!

Sarah Clark

Drastically cut [my] lesson planning time #5minlessonplan.

Mike Jones

Still think this planning tool is awesome!

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