Comparing Academies and LA Maintained Schools

Using Watchsted data, a new report has been compiled to look at national performance across Academies and LA maintained schools.

This report considers an alternative way of presenting performance data, using the latest Ofsted framework but excluding converter academy predecessor grades.

Sponsored Academies

In addition, we were able to examine a sample of 420 sponsored academies that opened in the last three years, comparing their latest Ofsted inspection grade to their predecessor’s last Ofsted grade.

The chart below shows the proportion of schools that have improved, declined or stayed the same since becoming a sponsored academy.

56% of sponsored academies in the sample improved their grade.

Proportional grade shift in schools after becoming sponsored academies

Proportional grade shift in schools which have become sponsored academies

62% of primary sponsored academies improved whilst 37% of secondary sponsored academies improved their grade.

Primary Sponsored Academies

Primary sponsored academies grade shift

Secondary Sponsored Academies

Secondary sponsored acaedmies grade shift

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