Our Partners.
Balance works hand-in-hand with the country’s leading experts to put together our curriculums.
Here’s a little more information on the experts we worked with to develop our curriculums for each subject.
Don’t forget, if you need a helping hand – we’re here to support you. We’ll be hosting a series of workshops and webinars with each of our experts over the next few months, and we’re always available to chat – so feel free to reach out with any questions.

Curriculum subjects
Art & Design
Design & Technology
English - Reading and Writing
Led by Cath Richardson and Linda Neill, The Literacy Company is a team of experienced and dedicated consultants who share a passion for English and work with a range of schools to enhance the curriculum and improve standards.
Take a look at their free resources at theliteracycompany.co.uk, as well as their full list of courses here.

Maths – First 4 Maths
Led by Sarah Skelley and Toni Priddy, First4Maths ensure that teachers have a clear understanding of the journey through each topic in mathematics and how to select the most appropriate resources to make learning exciting and meaningful for both teachers and children.
Take a look at their consultancy, materials and resources at www.first4maths.co.uk

Science – Ignite TSA & Andy Moor
Led by Andy Moor, CEO of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust (HFCMAT) and Executive Principal of St Bernard’s – Ignite Teaching School Alliance is a large collaborative of 41 primary schools, working together to improve outcomes for children.
Find out more about how they use partnerships to create energy across education and beyond, here: www.welcometoignite.co.uk/.

Art & Design – Julie Mitchell
Julie Mitchell is the lead practitioner for IGNITE (a National Teaching School) in Art and Design and was recently honoured with a Fellowship from the Royal Society of Arts.
Having worked as a qualified teacher for 28 years, in over 130 schools – Julie is an expert in supporting, encouraging and inspiring children, students and in-service teachers in all things art and design.
Find out more about how Julie can help you here: www.artdays.co.uk/consultancy/

Computing – Ignite TSA & Andy Moor
Led by Andy Moor, CEO of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust (HFCMAT) and Executive Principal of St Bernard’s – Ignite Teaching School Alliance is a large collaborative of 41 primary schools, working together to improve outcomes for children.
Find out more about how they use partnerships to create energy across education and beyond, here: www.welcometoignite.co.uk/.

Geography – Chris Trevor
Offering inspirational (but realistic!) support for subject leaders and teachers with practical methods to engage learners and bring subjects to life – Chris Trevor formed her Education Consultancy in 2010, and hasn’t looked back.
Supporting schools across the Northwest, the Midlands and London, Chris helps schools plan and deliver creative but rigorous approaches to designing curriculums in History and Geography.
Find out more about how Chris can help you here: histgeog.org.uk.

History – Chris Trevor
Offering inspirational (but realistic!) support for subject leaders and teachers with practical methods to engage learners and bring subjects to life – Chris Trevor formed her Education Consultancy in 2010, and hasn’t looked back.
Supporting schools across the Northwest, the Midlands and London, Chris helps schools plan and deliver creative but rigorous approaches to designing curriculums in History and Geography.
Find out more about how Chris can help you here: histgeog.org.uk

MFL –– Balance
Given the varied nature of these curriculums across the country, Balance provides a minimal framework curriculum designed for you to add your own content.
If you need any tips, tricks or assistance in how you can customise your curriculums, we’re here to help! Just give us a shout at balance@angelsolutions.co.uk and our team of experts will talk you through it.
Music –– Balance
Given the varied nature of these curriculums across the country, Balance provides a minimal framework curriculum designed for you to add your own content.
If you need any tips, tricks or assistance in how you can customise your curriculums, we’re here to help! Just give us a shout at balance@angelsolutions.co.uk and our team of experts will talk you through it.
PE – Ignite TSA & Andy Moor
Led by Andy Moor, CEO of Holy Family Catholic Multi Academy Trust (HFCMAT) and Executive Principal of St Bernard’s – Ignite Teaching School Alliance is a large collaborative of 41 primary schools, working together to improve outcomes for children.
Find out more about how they use partnerships to create energy across education and beyond, here: www.welcometoignite.co.uk/.

Design & Technology – Balance
Given the varied nature of these curriculums across the country, Balance provides a minimal framework curriculum designed for you to add your own content.
If you need any tips, tricks or assistance in how you can customise your curriculums, we’re here to help! Just give us a shout at balance@angelsolutions.co.uk and our team of experts will talk you through it.
PSHE – Balance
Given the varied nature of these curriculums across the country, Balance provides a minimal framework curriculum designed for you to add your own content.
If you need any tips, tricks or assistance in how you can customise your curriculums, we’re here to help! Just give us a shout at balance@angelsolutions.co.uk and our team of experts will talk you through it.
RE – Balance
Given the varied nature of these curriculums across the country, Balance provides a minimal framework curriculum designed for you to add your own content.
If you need any tips, tricks or assistance in how you can customise your curriculums, we’re here to help! Just give us a shout at balance@angelsolutions.co.uk and our team of experts will talk you through it.