Angels Dash for Claire House

A team of Angels proudly ran in Liverpool’s Santa Dash 2015 on a cold and wet Sunday morning to raise money for a cause close to their hearts: Claire House children’s hospice.

Angel Solutions invited a representative from Claire House to come in and talk about their work, and the staff were moved to raise money for them in the last charity event of our year.

Take a look through the photos and please donate if you are able. Thank you.

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Our Team even made it into the Liverpool Echo photo gallery, thanks to John T dashing the extra mile by dressing up as the robot Bender, from Futurama.

About Claire House

Claire House Children’s Hospice offers care, support and choice to families whose children won’t live to be adults.

Whilst the hospice building is located on the Wirral, Claire House aims to offer the very best care wherever and whenever a child and family needs it, whether they choose to come to the hospice or are looked after at home with our Hospice to Home Team.

Find out more on the Claire House website.

Donate now

Why we give

Angel Solutions is committed to giving of our time and finances for good causes — we call it Global Goals. We know we can’t do everything, yet we all can do something.

That’s why we release our staff for Charity Days, why we give regular donations to charities, why we have a coin collection machine in our circus and why we invite charity representatives to visit us and give lunchtime presentations to staff. It’s simply part of our culture.

If you have any charity fundraising ideas, or would like us to get involved with your charity in some way, please email Thanks.

Categories: Angel, Innovation

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