Common Inspection Framework Update and Perspective Release
While the details have been available in draft since June, today saw the formal release of the Common Inspection Framework (CIF) documentation that now defines the focus, timing and methodology for inspection from September 2015.

The new framework has brought a significant change to the way Ofsted will inspect schools, and this has created an opportunity for a similar wide-ranging change within the self-evaluation module our Perspective software.
We are pleased to confirm that these changes will go live next week for all our existing school clients and all the new clients who are joining us this September.
We have been given masses of constructive feedback from school leaders across the country since the last major update to the framework in 2012, but there have been three common threads that leaders have requested.
Leaders want a system that:
- Creates a sharp, summary ‘SEF’ document they can give to Ofsted if they are inspected
- Is not just about readiness for Ofsted inspection, but also prompts, challenges and supports them to focus on the right actions to improve their school
- Can store all of the evidence that underpins their self-evaluation and link it other school management processes in one place
These have been the guiding principles behind the changes we have made to Perspective over the summer.
While Perspective has always provided robust self-evaluation and support in the form of its evidence-gathering and storage process, we have improved the software even further by working alongside inspectors, school leaders, and phase specialists on those three identified priorities. We have made sure that Perspective, more so than ever before, can be a crucial improvement partner for a leadership team.
Unlock the potential in your school
If you are a school leader looking to get to grips with the changes in inspection from September 2015, but also want a tool that will support improvement or maintain high-quality in your school, then book in a 15-minute slot to let one of the Perspective team show you why we might have the system for you.
Alongside an overview of the system, all school leaders who book an online demonstration of the new Perspective release will also receive a copy of our CIF Update — outlining all of the major changes to be aware of in the new framework, and the processes which might be integral to preparing for inspection.