Keeping you Connected with your Schools
On top of all the unique tools and features you already have access to in Observatory, we’ve just launched yet another NEW MODULE that will save you lots of time!
We believe that our new Contacts tab will make your job just that little bit easier…
A Catalogue of Contacts
Wondering who to speak to about assessment data at one of your schools, not sure what the name of the Chair of Governors is at another, or need to find out what a specific person’s role is?
Introducing your contacts tab! No clutter, no jargon, just the ability to create and maintain a list of key stakeholders at each of your schools.
Choose to add a contact manually, or save time by importing all your contacts from one or more of your schools at the same time with our super handy template. You can export some or all of your contacts at any time too – brilliant for those email campaigns!

Big school and lots of names? Not to worry, there’s also a search feature if you’re looking for a specific person or role.
Same role, different title?
Do some of the staff across your schools have the same role but slightly different titles? We know it can be a pain trying to group them together when there are ten variations of ‘curriculum lead’ when each school names them differently.
That’s where Perspective Observatory can help… you can store both! Note the actual title of the person at the school and assign them to a generic role within the system – handy for when you want to see all assessment leads across all schools. There’s a default list of school roles, but as with all of our products, this is easily customizable if you need to tweak it to suit your organisation.
Remember, this is for your eyes only so you can pop other helpful bits in the notes too e.g. preferred name.

👀 Coming soon…
Look out for more exciting updates coming at the end of October…
You’ll soon have the ability to export contacts based on specific filters including school roles. This will be really helpful when you’re after a mailing list to send communications out using your own tools. We’ll be sharing more about this very soon.

Over to you… Login now and see the new Contacts tab for yourself.
Start importing your data and everyone across your organisation will be able to see all your key contacts at each school all in one place alongside all the other time-saving features in Observatory.