Keypas Migration Complete!

With the release on the 2nd July 2011 of the latest version of Nexus, Angel Solutions are proud to have completed the migration of KEYPAS, the tool used by Local Authority Data teams nationally, from a standalone desktop product to a fully integrated web application.

It’s taken years of effort, hard work and the input of hundreds of users of the system from LA’s across the country to get to this stage, and we would like to thank them, and our partners at the NCER, for helping us to make this happen. We would also like to thank all those in the development team past and present that worked on the project over the years for their part in getting us across the line.

At over 3,000 days of work, it’s the biggest project Angel Solutions have ever undertaken, but it has been worth the journey. There is still work to do, enhancing, tweaking, improving and deploying across 154 LA’s, and we look forward to continuing to work on the Nexus platform over the coming years.

Signs are already good for those LA’s in the first round of users, with over 11,000 batch reports uploaded and processed in the last few days alone!

For more information on the latest release of Nexus or to access the product, visit

Categories: Nexus

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